Thursday, 21 January 2016

Planning for the weekend

This weekend we're hoping to film our studio ident and our scenes on Elm hill. Both of these sequences require quite a bit of planning.

Studio ident

For our studio ident we need to learn two things. How to make fake blood, and how to add a muzzle flash to a gun.

When it comes to the blood, Me and Fabian have researched into different methods of creating a fake counterpart. We have to decide if we want a thick and more realistic consistency or a faker but more suitable thin and watery blood.

Finally, when it comes to adding the gun shot flash and such, I've found a video for a tutorial and I am soon going to test it out some test footage. I've managed to learn how to do this, so this is all ready for when I edit the Studio Ident. Here is the video.

Here is the video that I used as a tutorial.

City Scenes

We've decided to film at Elm Hill, as it's got old fashioned buildings and even cobble stone roads. I think our biggest problem will be finding a time when there aren't other people walking up down the road, and controlling the lighting when it gets dark.

Reflective comment: While it may not seem like I did much, I believe that the test footage produced is good and I believe we've done a good amount of planning for our studio ident. It would of been better if we could of practiced making some fake blood before hand. 

1 comment:

  1. a good blood recipe is red colouring, golden syrup and a little coffee powder - this makes it thixotropic/viscose enough and the coffee adds depth rather than a bright red artifical colour
