Tuesday, 5 January 2016

What I've done over the Christmas holidays

Before I left for the holidays I set myself and my group some targets to complete over the holidays to stay on track to complete our OTS on time.

I set myself the following goals.
  • Scout Locations with Fabian
  • Experiment with Foley
  • Start writing the script and get over half finished
I had the stretch goal of finishing the script. However I have managed to achieve all of my goals! Me and Fabian scouted out a location for filming and experimented a little bit with Foley. Here are two videos for evidence of this fact. (The Password for the video is : wordup )


I also finished the script completely, at least the first drat. I need to make a few changes to fix it up a bit but after that we'll have our script completely finished!

I set Fabian the goals of...

  • Scout locations with Jack
  • Research and Acquire equipment (Mics and Lighting)
  • Produce some test shots, experimenting with different angels
With the stretch goal of starting the studio ident. Fabian has done all of his goals except from his stretch, but he has started planning for it!  He scouted locations with me, which he found online, he has done research into what he believes we could use and while we were scouting the locations Fabian tested some different camera shots.

Wil had the goals of...
  • Finishing the first song for the nightmare sequence.
  • Look into what props we use for different characters.
  • Also look in character costume.
Wil had the stretch goal of finishing another song. 

Wil has completed two of his goals and his stretch goal. While he hasn't completed the first song he has managed to complete another song which we are going to use in our OTS. Wil also has competed his character design and prop work, which you can find on his blog.

Overall we've had a very proactive Christmas holiday and are making good progress with our final production. We're actually going to start filming this Saturday, on the ninth. We plan also to scout more locations and test more Foley.


1 comment:

  1. great evidence of research and reflective planning.

    cannot believe that you bought that melon and only chopped it once??
